Sunday, July 03, 2005

The ONE Campaign

I am sure if you have been watching the news lately you have heard of the live 8 concerts. There were 10 concerts on various continents featuring the world's most popular bands. The concerts were free and were broadcast to over 80% of the worlds population. There were over 1 million spectators, and 2 billion viewers with the potential to witness this event. The artists and performers didn't ask for money, they just wanted your voice.
If you haven't done so yet, you can add your voice as well. In just a few days the presidents of some of the world's most influential nations will meet for the G8 Summit. Your voice is a cry for the leaders of these nations to put together $25 billion towards poverty relief in Africa.
Every day over 30,000 children die from poverty. To help the cause and get the 8 leaders to help make poverty history you can visit and sign the live 8 list. By visiting the ONE Campaigns website at you can help sign a letter to President Bush to show that the people of the United States care about the poverty situation in Africa.
I encourage you to help take up this cause.
Thank you for your time and consideration,


At 7/03/2005 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you copy and paste this right from the website? Just kidding. I think its a good cause, too. I signed up a long time ago. Now I get emails every other day about news. I read the article in the paper this morning too.

At 7/03/2005 5:20 PM, Blogger LiveOutLoudReady?Go said...

no i typed that wonderful piece there myself :P and it is an amazing cause... did you get a chance to watch any of the concerts last night?

At 7/03/2005 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wished i could have TiVo'd that...but then again you knew that since i told you a few

At 7/21/2005 3:46 PM, Blogger Samantha said...

I wonder if anyone still lives at this blog.


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