Monday, August 15, 2005

Daily Journal 8/15/05

...i know what your thinking... here he goes again, another posting about his daily activities... how boring. i can only respond to that with these three words: to darn bad.

10:10am - wake up... on my own again... decide i need to shower
10:40am - father comes home from work... talk
11:00am - begin transferring music files... slightly tedious
12:04pm - the prodigal brother returns from work...
(cannot remember what i did with my life in the early afternoon... probably involved a television or computer)
2:13pm - leave for dentist appointment... in sleepy eye... need gas... yep... late
4:00pm - exit sleepy eye... no cavities... clean teeth... gagged once
5:00pm - eat at mexican restaurant... taco... chalupa... burrito...
6:20pm - mother calls... car's broken... wants mine... i cave... brother has become my chauffer
7:00pm - watch volleyball games... massacre... its sad
7:40pm - travel to dairy queen... talk with many friends... brother shoots spitballs
9:00pm - go home... talk to father about big date... begin watching movie with brother
10:00pm - heidi calls... i miss her... can't wait to see her again soon
(if your reading this sweetie.... i love you)
10:35pm - go back to watching movie
end of my eventful yet eventless day


At 8/16/2005 6:13 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

Curt, you make me laugh. 'gagged once', that is classic.

At 8/16/2005 3:10 PM, Blogger LiveOutLoudReady?Go said...

thank you for finding my subtle, yet pathetic, attempts at humor to be funny... the comment is appreciated :) ...and im sorry if that sounded at all intellectual (cough) dylan.


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