Saturday, May 28, 2005

nothing profound

this is a warning: this posting won't be profound. i really don't have anything i want to express in writing today. these are just a few thoughts i figured i would share.
1. i graduated... yay!!!! no more high school!!!! a lot less stress. i am so happy summer is here. this is my season... and i plan on living like it. i realize i will be working a lot, but when my butt isn't at subway i want to be having fun. :P
2. last night was fun. the commencement was boring, but afterwards was fun. i enjoyed the bonfire at luke's.
3. it is great seeing dan up here again, it sucks that i only see him once or twice a year. though i suppose thats how its going to be with almost everyone after summer is over.
4. last night i had some very strange dreams. don't know what they mean. normally i can't remember my dreams, but last night i had a lot of them, and i was able to remember some of them. in one dream i remember finding holes in all of my clothes and thinking that a mouse must have done it. i asked my dad for all new clothes. they were all random like that. there was one dream i had that bothered me, i don't want to explain it on here, but it was remembering back and trying to figure something out. didn't work. i did have one very good dream. i don't know why i had it tonight. it was a replay of a moment about 4 months ago. i don't need to put it on here, but heidi if your reading this you can ask me about it. :)
5. i have done enough laundry over the past two days to meet my obligation for the month.
6. there are some graduation parties i could go to today, but i really don't feel like it. im not really close to any of them, maybe ill just go to my closest friends... besides i don't want to get fat off of the food and cake. ;)
7. my brother put a copy of the sports illustrated swimsuit edition in the bathroom upstairs... nice :P (j/k... i think that it is exploitive of women, despicable, and degrading... :P)
8. today is my only day off in over two weeks starting tomorrow, but i have nothing going on... looks like ill have to entertain myself, or clean the house.
9. hopefully with money from graduation, and one or two more paychecks i can buy my laptop... im excited.
10. thats about it for now, maybe something more profound will come next posting.... or not. hopefully everyone is having a good weekend, and for those of you who still have school tuesday and wednesday i hope final study is going swell :P


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